Mobile screen readers reimbursed in the future: appetizer or mustard after the meal
Via Twitter it was learned that in the future software packages for mobile phones will be included in the basic package of health insurance, with which the text on the screen for blind and partially sighted users is pronounced or enlarged. Mustard after the meal or an appetizer? Read more »
WhatsApp: Send free messages via Nokia, Android Blackberry and iPhone
One of the best apps for your smartphone is WhatsApp messenger. Another way to stay in touch with all your friends. But then fast and simple. And where it concerns the iPhone, completely VoiceOver friendly. Read more »
Changed relationship between GW Micro and HIMS Co Ltd
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After nearly six years of collaboration with GW Micro, Korea-based HIMS Co., Ltd., maker of the Braille Sense, Voice Sense, BookSense and SenseView, has chosen to open its own office in the US. Read more »
Dropbox: always have your documents online at your fingertips
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The computer is there to make things easier for people. However, once you are in the possession of multiple devices, such as a PC, a laptop and a mobile phone that is used for more than just calling, then that convenience is sometimes hard to find. Because there has to be synchronization between PC and laptop and oh yes, there was also a housemate interested in those same documents. Well, let’s just send emails and leave the mobile phone out of the equation for now. Yet it can be simpler. Read more »
Sendero GPS LookAround in the App Store
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We know Sendero when it comes to state of the art GPS products for VIPs. Now they have released their first app for the iPhone. Sendero GPS LookAround. A toy compared to other paid apps. Yes, paid, because it costs 2.99 euros. What can it do? It tells you where you are and what the 5 nearest points of interest are. Read more »
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A nice way to read documents created on the PC via your iPhone, without having to synchronize with iTunes, is DropBox, an online storage option, for which there is a nice iPhone app. But so far I had not found anything satisfactory to edit my Dropbox documents, which are often in txt format. Read more »
Stations mapped for blind and partially sighted travellers
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Finding your way around train stations when you are blind or partially sighted is not always easy. That is why the NS and Viziris jointly presented the project Walking routes for blind and partially sighted travellers at the ZiezoBeurs 2010. Read more